Why NY Resolutions Should Really Happen Year-Round

Reported by Mollisande Williams

We are almost in February. Have you kept your New Year’s resolution? 

According to The Huffington Post, only eight percent of people actually stick with the goal they set. Personally, I go back and forth with the concept. 

Sometimes thinking about how we obsess over a “new year, new me” seems silly. But on the other hand, sometimes it feels good to have a fresh start on the blank canvas of a year. 

Everyone seems to have a “love it or hate it” attitude about this topic. No matter which way you spin it, a New Year’s resolution is not going to work if you are not motivated by something further than January first. 

A survey sent out to George Fox University students showcased like-minded opinions. Most of students’ resolutions were to eat healthier, exercise, and read the Bible more. 

According to the survey, 58 percent of respondents said their New Year’s resolution was not a success. However, most believed the process of making a resolution affected them positively, as people are still making somewhat of an effort. 

As for the concept of starting resolutions for the New Year, though, many students were skeptical. 

“I believe they can be effective in the sense that any other goal can,” one student said. “Making special New Year’s resolutions is no different than starting a goal in the middle of the year. It all
depends on the goal and a person’s motivation to succeed or better themselves.” 

In other words, resolutions are all about the strategy and less about the start date. 

Another student expressed, “The idea is self-improvement, which I agree with, but [resolutions] are laid out poorly because there is rarely a game plan associated with how.” 

When asked if New Year’s resolutions are effective, one response was, “Nope. They’ve literally become a joke because no one ever follows through with them. Now people don’t even expect they might, so they don’t even bother trying.” 

Junior, Megan Beam believes the concept is rather ridiculous. “I just think New Year’s resolutions are dumb because everyone expects to break them. If you want to start exercising more, then set a goal. Or find someone to do it with you and just exercise more. Don’t wait until New Year’s,” she recommends. 

These resolutions have become more of a trend and even a social pressure for some. That is usually the question I am asked most toward the end of December, which leads me to feel like I need to have one. 

In reality, the only way you will succeed is if you are the motivation behind your goal. Just having one to have one will most likely lead nowhere. 

If the idea of making a goal at the beginning of the new year motivates you and inspires you to make a change, do your thing. Remember to keep specific and realistic goals; that way you will have a better chance at being successful. 

But don’t forget: You can make a goal anytime of the year. Your determination is the key, not January first.