Let's Move Out!

Reported By: Ellaynah Brown

Illustrated By: Sydney Simmons

We are just weeks away from the end of another year. Classes are winding down, projects are due, tests are coming up, and the summer sun is almost here. While the excitement and anticipation is almost unbearable, students have to remain engaged and focused on finishing out the year strong before it is time to head home for the summer. Adding to the chaos, students are expected to pack up their temporary homes.

Recently, for most students, the days have consisted of studying, homework, project meetings, more studying, more homework, and likely the beginning of a packing fiasco. In the midst of all of the academic chaos, students are expected to be packing, cleaning, and getting ready to move out. As many are routinely reminded at this time of year, packing is not a small task. 

One has to give themselves enough time to box their clothes, take down every decoration, keep essentials organized, probably patch a few scratches, clean a few messes, and take boxes one by one to their cars. The truth of the matter is, we are just not given enough time to pack up and move out.

According to the George Fox University (GFU) website, “All undergraduates must be checked out of on-campus housing by noon,” bu April 29. Depending on a student’s finals schedule, the time between their last final and the expected move-out time will differ. However, no matter when their finals are finished, students are not given enough time to move out.

Finals week is arguably the most important and stressful week of a college student’s academic career. Between studying, remembering to take care of themselves, and resting, students are also expected to pack up their entire room simultaneously. Now, as many can agree, packing in itself is a stressful task and often requires a lot of time and attention.

In addition to the pure commitment it is to box up all of one’s belongings, trying to stay focused while navigating an unorganized mess of a room as a result of the little packing spurts you are allowed is not reasonable. Expecting students to be able to handle finals and move at the same time is unrealistic if they are also expected to perform to their full potential on exams. 

I believe that giving students until Sunday evening after finals would give them enough extra time to dedicate at least a day to move out without having their academics interrupted or put at risk. Students are too busy have a whole day in the middle of the week to dedicate to packing. Would one extra day be too much to ask for?

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