The Man Behind It All

Reported By: Kate Mack

Photographed By: Yolanda Diaz

Logan Russell is a well known student on the George Fox University (GFU) campus. Whether it's from seeing him help out with Student Activities, lead events, or even host the talent show, most students know of him. But why is Russell involved in Student Activities, and what makes him so passionate about what he does?

Russell began working in Student Activities as a first year student. Like most students, he applied to receive a paycheck, but he soon realized how different his job was. Russell saw that Student Activities made a substantial difference on the GFU campus. Russell described the Student Activities community as something nearly impossible to find on other campuses. The bonds between students who worked together in Student Activities and how they helped connect other students was remarkable, and it is a community Russell is proud to be a part of. 

Working in Student Activities is a big job, as they do quite a bit around campus. Russell describes his motivation for this job as coming from the joy he gets in seeing other students happy. By planning and leading these events, he is able to see students come together and have a good time. “There is truly no feeling like it,” Russell stated. By watching students have fun, Russell is able to see how Student Activities’ hard work benefits the students on campus. 

Russell has learned a lot from his time in Student Activities. A lesson he learned early on was that if you want something to get done, you have to be the one to speak up and do it. Another lesson Russell learned was that it doesn’t matter what other people think of you. He has seen that if students speak up, they can get things done, and by doing this, they become more open to experiencing new things on campus.

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