We Need Lockdown Training

On Oct. 22, George Fox University (GFU) students, staff, and teachers received a vague text message about gunshots near campus, ending with, “Take shelter.” From observation of the campus that day, it seemed many people were confused as to what they should do, indicating a lack of training and preparation.

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Jessica Daugherty
One Writer's Opinion on Gun Control 

On Oct. 22, George Fox University locked down for several hours in response to an off-campus gun shot. Often when these types of events take place, the question of gun control is brought up: Do we need more of it? Or less? Is the problem the access to guns? Or the people wielding them?

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Jessica Daugherty
TCKs: Cultural Chameleons

On Oct. 29, the Third Culture Club (TCC) held a panel discussion titled “The Art of Leaving.” Four guests were invited to speak about their lives and how their cross-cultural experiences have impacted their sense of home and identity.

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Jessica Daugherty
George Fox Talks: An Edifying Podcast   

The pandemic forced George Fox University (GFU) to revamp its digital presence. As a result, George Fox Digital was created to make classroom lectures easily accessible. With the success of this platform, GFU wants to go further and reach more. Its new YouTube channel and podcast “George Fox Talks” is opening the classroom doors and providing thought-provoking, academic discussions for the public

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Jessica Daugherty
Fox Got Talent

On Oct. 1, A horde of college students, begging to raise their voices together in cheer, gathered in Bauman Auditorium. Under the banner of “Fox Got Talent,” students and supporters alike filled the halls to honor the eight contestants.

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Jessica Daugherty
Safety, Not Shame

The Hadlock Center dress code at George Fox University has come under scrutiny by students for targeting women and creating a toxic environment. After many years, this complaint has been heard by the staff and, as of four weeks ago, the dress code has become more inclusive and less discriminatory towards female-identifying students.

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Jessica Daugherty
Social Justice in Music: Praise & Protest

In late January, Common Hymnal released a comprehensive collection of worship songs entitled Praise and Protestin reflection of both the stories of 2020 and those that have long existed in United States history. It is a collection of eighteen songs that have slowly been released over the course of last year. They explore Black narratives and the way in which Christians have a responsibility to involve themselves in social justice practices.

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Jessica Daugherty
Covid-19: Bat or Biolab?

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, numerous books and “prophecies” have been brought to light about the coronavirus, including excerpts from Sylvia Brown’s book, “End Of Days: Predictions And Prophecies About The End Of The World” and “The Eyes of Darkness”.

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5 Reasons Why You Need to Watch “Tiger King”

You may be asking yourself, what is this “Tiger King” that everyone is talking about? If you are asking yourself this, then you are living under a rock, but that’s okay because here is my spoiler-free mini synopsis: This Netflix docu-series goes behind the scenes on the crazy world of big cat owners, specifically Joe “Exotic” Maldonado-Passage, the “Tiger King” who runs a big cat zoo. You’ll get a glimpse into an entirely different culture: one filled with lies, lawsuits, limb loss, and a real-life liger (lion + tiger).

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