George Fox University's Quarantine Gallery

The coronavirus has disrupted all aspects of life, including education. Here are some art pieces from George Fox University (GFU) made during the shelter-in-place order.


Emily Pulver

Sophomore Illustration major

“Creating in quarantine gives me a much-needed break from overthinking and stressing and it can keep me busy for hours on end. I still miss doing art in Brougher with friends who also wait till the night before to finish projects, but I’m so thankful we have zoom and FaceTime to help keep us together. Now that I’m getting used to creating at home, that’ll hopefully help me continue to create after school ends. 

The portrait of my sister was for Art History, where I recreated the woman in Raphael’s Small Cowper Madonna. So I guess we could call it “Renaissance Portrait.” And the other one was an interior for painting class, so we could call it “Living Room.” & actually don’t do the last drawing bc it’s literally a copy of another painting.”

Janelle Winn

Junior Illustration major

“im missing dance lol so my projects have all been dance related.”


Trevor Wilber

Freshman History major with a Spanish minor.

“I've recently had a big interest in sneakers, so for my art piece I took some shoes that I hadn't worn in a while and used paint pens to add some color and make the shoes unique to me. I'm not much of an artist but it's something that has helped me pass the time in quarantine.“

Bryce Heimuller

Senior Illustration major

“Here are some samples of the art I’ve been working on during quarantine. I’ve been keeping myself motivated to make art by working with unusual mediums such as toast, pancake mix, and legos during quarantine. One of my favorite experiments was where I ran over pieces of paper covered in chalk dust and played with those patterns digitally. (I had to use a cheese grater on the chalk to get enough chalkdust on my car’s tires.)”

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